Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Today's Commute

Today, I was working at a client in the North Loop. I left early and was prepared with my camera. Hurrah!  I lucked out. I drove along West River Parkway until I could park the car and walk back. Here are my two best pics. One cropped. One not. It was hard to get clear ones, since the camera was at full zoom (60x). Given that and the awkward angle I had to use, it was hard to keep the camera steady.

This eagle is on West River Parkway behind Fairview Health Services. The nest is close by and is way up in the trees and will be hidden soon after the leaves come out.

As I was standing there shooting pictures, the executive director of the client where I was going to do work drove by, stopped her car, and said "good morning" out her window. She lives in the neighborhood and is the one who told me about the eagle's nest, so it was surprising, but not that surprising.

When I showed her several of my pictures, she told me about another eagle's nest on West River Parkway down past the Lake Street bridge. I stopped there mid-afternoon on my way home. This one is in a pine tree and is situated in such a way that it is visible now and will remain visible. As I drove up, one of the eagles was flying away. I chatted briefly with someone who lived on the block and who was walking her dog. She said that there are owls in the pine trees 2 blocks north of the eagle's nest. 

It's pretty cool that I live in a city and both of these nests are about 1 mile from my house. 

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