Saturday, April 6, 2019

Finding Time Here And There

Doing short spurts of drawing, while I am feeding the cats, means that I have been drawing a little every day. I am still exploring faces using pictures from Sktchy. The goal is to stay away from detail and just explore the shape of faces trying to use simple lines. I’m still using the back of fairly thin paper that I’ve already used on the other side. One morning this week, I set a timer for 15 minutes and had a lovely time just experimenting.

I’ve been trying to think about the different planes in a face, how necks attach to the head and things like that. Lips are a complete mystery to me and they are hard to suggest with the thick lead I am using. Still, I would rather proceed in this manner for awhile and see what I can learn.

One thought that shows up in my mind from time to time is to think about the 2-D images I am using as if they were 3-D. That was something that Suzann Beck mentioned in her class at Wet Paint. She also said to think about 3-D shapes you are using as if they were 2-D. It does cause me to look at things and consider them in a different way.

Here are a few of my drawings. They are quick and simple. I am not going for accuracy.

On the painting front, I’ve been finding bits of time here and there to paint. Here is a revisit of a landscape. It’s still not there. While values need to be more distinct, the shape of the land turned out better.

#319 - Landscape - 6" x 6" - paper

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