Monday, April 29, 2019

Another Helper

On Friday, look who showed up to help me while I was taking a picture. The step stool was close to the kitchen bench, so Dorian showed up. She is 17 years old with arthritis, so jumping up on stool is out of the question. It made me smile that she is just as interested in what I am up to, as the orange ones.

I started this painting before the pepper, but finished it after the pepper. While the start was good, the middle was horrible middle. I thought about abandoning it before finishing, but you don't learn as much that way. Since it's not a favorite, it's not getting a separate, close up picture.

#329 - Mr. Biggs Take 1 - 6" x 6" - hardboard
Dorian is quite a character. Yesterday, it was close to her breakfast time when I sat in the kitchen chair meditating for 10 minutes. She walked across my lap several times. When I didn't respond, I could sense her sitting on the arm of the chair and after several moments, she let out a very loud, indignant sigh.

In my last post, I don't think I explained the knitting thing very well. Normally, when you do increases in knitting, it makes the fabric wider in the horizontal plane. With stacked increases, it makes the fabric longer in the vertical plane. If you do stacked decreases in a different part of the fabric, you can play with your fabric without increasing the overall width.

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