Friday, April 19, 2019

Spring Cold

Darn, darn, and darn. I had a really good streak going. However on Tuesday night, I started coming down with a cold, making me feel pretty cruddy all week. Art for the most part went on the back burner, except..........

I signed up for a Drawing Faces with France Van Stone through Sktchy's online art platform. While the Sktchy app is only available for Apple devices, the classes are on the regular web. This is France's  website. This class just came out, but it also is one that you take at your own pace. While I have signed up for online stuff here and there, my track record of actually doing or finishing online classes is terrible. I am going to try and do a better job at this. Currently, I want to work on and finish up Kat's online class and this new one. One is for painting. One is for drawing.

This week, I watched the week 1 video. The "homework" was to work on drawing some different zentangle shapes to loosen up and relax the hand and to do some blind contour drawings of faces on Sktchy to get the eyes and hand in better sync with each other. In my addled state, this worked very well, especially here and there while I was sitting and feeding cats.

I enjoyed drawing the zentangle shape. I think it helped with getting some control, but a loose kind of control. The blind contour drawing started out shaky, but has gotten better. I can see the value of doing a both of these as a warm up. If I do several blind contour drawings in a row, it's amazing to see the difference in the first one versus the third one. It's like my eyes and hand are creating a more direct linkage to each other, while at the same time decoupling from or bypassing the brain.

This morning, I had a good run of several blind contour drawings and here is my favorite. Ignore the floating eye in the corner. This was from an abandoned start, since there was a cat on my lap who insisted that I should be paying attention to the cat and not looking at my iPad and drawing.

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