Monday, January 9, 2017

Two Hours To Draw An Egg

It was the first day of drawing class, so I am exaggerating slightly. We went over some information, but class also went late, so we only took 1 hour and 45 minutes to do one drawing of one egg.

The emphasis today was on seeing, shading and smudging. While I learned about each of these topics (and that will be useful), it also was good reminder to be more confident in defining when I am done and ready to move on. It would have been a better learning experience (and more enjoyable) to do several less complete drawings, rather than focusing on one endless drawing.

It's weird to be writing this, since I am a fairly detailed person, Also, I wish that I could show you my 2 hour egg.  I thought that I packed it up when I packed up my supplies. Now that I am home, I can't find it.

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