Sunday, May 13, 2018

Boring Composition

I was partly through this painting before I realized that it was a boring composition, plus the lighting did not leave enough different values. Still, I finished it, which was good. Yesterday, I started painting this same coffee pot and stopped partway through since I didn't like what I was doing. This morning when I looked at it, I decided that it wasn't so bad, but I didn't want to try and set the thing up in the same way with the same light and all.

#214 - coffee pot - 6" x 6" - hardboard
The handle and spout aren't bad. I don't like the lid or the highlights.

On the plus side, we added some white shower board directly above where I paint in the basement. Using clip lights, I can bounce light off the the shower board and get some nice indirect light. This is a new lighting experiment, so I can figure out what I want in my little, basement, art-making space. 

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