This is the second sheep painting. I think it's easier to stay in the world of values and shapes (and low expectations) the first time I try to paint a new type of object. The second time is usually more awkward and that happened with this painting. It felt like I was fighting with this painting, while the first sheep painting flowed off of my brush.
#172 - Sheep and Lamb - 8"x 10" - paper - standard palette |
This seems to happen in life. One place I especially notice it is in juggling. If a group of us try a new pattern, the first time it goes well you can guarantee that the next time after that it will go poorly.
Maybe for you, but I think this one is quite lovely! The stances of both sheep are very lively and the inner shading on the back leg of the larger sheep is very effective! the ground is very much ground as well- well done!