Saturday, January 6, 2018

My Watercolors

I am taking an on-line watercolor class with Liz Steel. It starts on Wednesday. There were several warm up exercises including painting your palette. Here are the colors I selected.

I have acquired watercolors over the last 6 months, but haven't known where to start with them so I"m excited for the class. I goofed when I purchased several colors, but I'm going with them anyway. The pink color is Quin Magenta from Daniel Smith. I wanted the same one as my acrylic paint, but did not check the pigment so I purchased the wrong color. Paint names don't help. You have to look at the pigments! The bright green was purchased on a whim and it's not the type of shade that I wanted. Still when I was playing around with it, it made a gorgeous color when mixed with the color in the upper right hand corner. My last error was that I purchased Pyrrol Orange when I meant to purchase the transparent version of this color. The one I have is aggressive. Essentially, I am going to use the colors I have and see what happens. It's clear from the introductory information that it's not necessary to use the instructor's palette.

1 comment:

  1. Cannot wait to see how this goes for you Robin- I love following your progress. I just got an iPad Pro and am fooling w/ an app called procreate. It is fun being obsessed by something new. So much to learn.
    Happy 2018 to you! Kristin
