Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Work In Progress

Yesterday, I got home from work early enough to start a painting, but not to finish it. Here is the approximate set up.  I'm still not very good at taking a picture from the exact same angle, as my drawing. On purpose, the handle was positioned so that it's harder to draw and capture.

Here is the drawing.

Finally, here is the painting in progress.

I am very pleased with the pepper. It was not over-worked or take a gazillion layers of paint like I so often need.  Also, it feels good to be able to mix a good red color!! Rather than focusing on one part of the painting, I took turns working on the cup, the pepper and the background. This was one of the recommendations from class last week and I finally "heard" it. The mug needs some work. With the lighter colors, I need another layer of color, so I'll play around with it tomorrow.

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