Saturday, January 4, 2020

The Latest

It’s been a productive week. I am making an effort to draw and paint every day, while also finding the balance between pushing myself to do it without becoming too militant about it. For drawing, my plan is to work on drawing a simple object with crosshatching each day in January. So far, I’ve done two drawings for the first 4 days of January. Here’s one.

In addition to getting better at crosshatching, I want to figure out better which direction to crosshatch when building a particular shape. This does not come naturally to me at all. I hope this will cross over into better paint strokes.

Here is the last painting of 2019 and the first one of 2020.

#360 Mandarin - 5” x 5” - paper
#361 Yellow Pepper - 5” x 5”
My 17-year old cat, Dorian had surgery on Thursday. I am so grateful that it all went well. She has to endure 11 days of wearing a cone, so she can’t disturb her sutures. Once she is past that, she should be happier and healthier. I am so relieved that surgery was successful, that I decided to do a painting of her. She is one of my favorite models. I love to paint from pictures of her and to take pictures of her. However when she was a kitten, I used the flash too many times, so she almost always scowls or has a fierce expression for the camera. 

I liked the drawing.

The painting is okay. I didn’t like it last night, but today it doesn’t seem so bad, except for the whiskers. 

#363 - Dorian - 6” x 6” - hardboard

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