Wednesday, February 3, 2021

It's A Silly Little Pepper Drawing

My posting to this blog has been erratic and will likely continue that way.  I just started a new job and February's project is not one where I will be showing a lot here.  

February's project is to work on portraits.  Drawing people's portrait (self or otherwise) from life or pictures is challenging.  So many parts in relationship to each other coming together to represent a whole.  Egads!  Please note that I said whole, not likeness or resemblance.

Prior to the start of the month, I assembled a number of resources and I also signed up for 2 Sktchy Art School classes.  The one I'm current working through is this one.  I really like the instructor and I think the Loomis method will help me figure out how heads work better.  The other class I signed up for is this one about anatomy.

Someone suggested getting a bust to help with practicing, so I also got one of those.  On Etsy, I was very tempted to get one of Michelangelo's David.  A small bust isn't that expensive.  While I really liked the overall elegance of David and the turn of his neck and face, I've been having trouble with my glasses and the shadows from them when I've practiced self portraits, so I got one of Ruth Bader Ginsberg instead.  For a small additional fee, this one came with removable glasses.   Tee hee.

Yesterday, I did about 1/2 my project work in the morning and about 1/2 in the evening.  After I was done, I really wanted to do some non-project drawing, but I was also tired and getting ready to head up to bed early, so I just did fairly quick and simple pepper sketch, which I didn't finish.

I started it with the inside edge where the pepper folds over and meets the outer most part of the flatter part of the stem area.  I have never started on the inside because, quite frankly, the inside has never made much sense to me because I haven't been able to really see it.  Working through Drawing Through the Right Side of the Brain gave me some better skills and tools. I really felt like I could see how the edge of one part related to the next and how the sides of the pepper emerged when these edges started to spill over the side.  It was one of those magical experiences where it all worked and my weary left side of the brain, which is dealing with all the shiny newness of a new job, got a little bit of a break.  


  1. I so love being along for the ride in your learning and your life!
    XOXO So glad to hear you have a new job!

    1. And, I enjoy seeing your work, as well. Your recent otter painting was amazing! It's a new favorite.
