Sunday, May 21, 2017

Still, Still Here - Still, Still Taking My Drawing Class

This has been the longest break from posting, since I started this blog.  Life has been extremely busy, but I've still been devoting enough time for keeping up with my online drawing class.  It is packed full of material!

Today was my day to sketch in public for one hour.  I went to the Como Zoo.  Since it was a bit chilly, damp, and drizzly outside, I found animals spending time indoors.  The sea lions were amazing.  Although I haven't been to a life drawing class, I imagine that this must be what it's like.  There were two of them.  They were on the rocks and would hold a really cool pose for a bit of time and shift to another really interesting pose.  This went on for 10 minutes or so.  After that, the one called out to the other and it was time to swim.

I warmed up with some gesture drawings.  This is a concept that I am still very much in the beginning stages of figuring out.  I was really pleased with this one.  At least, I think this is a gesture drawing!


  1. Yay for seal gesture drawings! Have you done a sink yet?

    1. Not as many tries as I would like, but yes. I'm waiting to show them on Thursday!!
