Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Homework for Painting Class

In addition to the drawing class, I also started up painting classes last month. It's structured differently than the other classes. A small group of us are meeting every month or so with the wonderful and talented Kat Corrigan. When we meet, we review the work that we've done since the last time and we also talk about different concepts. There are assignments for this class, as well. For tomorrow's class, the assignment was to paint your kitchen sink several times with parameters for each painting.  For example, one painting was supposed to be all in gray scale.

Figuring out how to approach this made me crazy for awhile. My kitchen sink is a big farm house style and I just could not figure out what to do with it. I moved on to the downstairs bathroom sink. After several doing several paintings, I could not figure out why they were BORING, until I started thinking more about contrast and focal point, which has been covered heavily in drawing class. Composition is an area where I need to stretch myself, since I have little to no experience with it! In truth, I think that is why most of my paintings up until now contain one and only one object.

After the boring bathroom sink paintings, I wasn't sure what to do.  Fortunately, Chandler rescued me.  Chandler is very fond of the upstairs bathroom sink. In the morning, he likes to hang out and also likes it when I make the sink drip slowly. I took some pictures of him and did three different paintings, each one from a different picture. Things clicked with the one that I did tonight. I found myself evaluating and making better decisions, especially regarding the use of values. I can see some things that could be addressed or improved, but one of the takeaways from drawing class is that I am practicing. If it was painted on hardboard, I'd be more likely to tweak it.  Since it's on paper in my spiral book, I'm ready to move on.

One last thing, this one really rocks when you look at it from across the room.

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