Monday, May 8, 2017

Partial Laying Lion

Today was my day to draw in public for this section of my drawing class. I went to the Como Zoo. One thing I learned is that a big cat, who is sleeping, is just as likely to move, including completely out of view, as a house cat.  I learned this lesson from a cougar, a snow leopard, and a male and female lion.

Here is the start of a male lion. Even though I did not get a chance to finish it, it does read as "lion" to me and the outer contour of the mane is about the right amount of mass.


  1. AND those paws are AWESOME!
    How'd about a sink?

    1. On 05/25, we'll either find out if I haven't been painting sinks or if I haven't been posting painting of sinks. (smile).
