Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Homework Drama

I missed the most recent painting class. Part of the new homework was to sketch / paint the negative space around chair/table legs as they touch the floor. I've been avoiding it. Quite frankly, the idea of trying has been bringing up slight feelings of terror.

When I first started drawing in January 2016 through Creativebug's 30 day's of drawing, day 3 was to draw chairs. The goal was to copy the illustration-type chairs that were presented or to draw your "idea" of a chair. I tried and I practiced, before I put some drawings on a "real" piece of paper. The proportions are off.  I couldn't see or represent how the pieces of a chair relate to one another or get the legs right. Because of that, I didn't really "commit" to my drawing. I used pencil and the lightest strokes possible.  It's as if I wanted my drawing to fade away.

In spite of that, I picked up my pencil, paper, and viewfinder. After an internal fight in my brain with one side saying "Nooooooooo!  Don't do it" and the other side saying "Oh, just give it a try", I gave it a try. It took forever. The viewfinder helps, but it is so hard to hold it in the same place and I need it in the exact same place because my drawing skills are pretty rudimentary. This drawing had a lot of drama associated with it.

I do want to improve my drawing skills. It's fun. You can do it when it's not practical to paint. It will improve my painting. I am going to look for a drawing class to take some time during the winter.

It's also hard and something like a chair can be a bit overwhelming (yes, I am still being dramatic). There are a lot of pieces, a lot of angles - - - just a lot going on.

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