Saturday, April 3, 2021


No, hoo-h'Hoo-hoo-hoo or at least that's what the internet says a great horned owl's call sounds like.  Yesterday a friend took another friend and I to see an owl's nest. Since the hubby is also interested in owls, I came home from my first outing and I left immediately with him to take him to see the owls. While I got good pictures during the first visit, the light was much better for the second visit. 

Here are my top pics. This experience made me so incredibly happy!

It's the same adult owl in the first 4 photos.

If you look at this one full screen, the very yellow eyes are more apparent.

I like the extreme turn of the owl’s head in this one.

I feel as though I am being judged by the owl and somehow not measuring up.

The other adult owl is in the photo below. It was hard to get a shot of this owl, both because it was easy to lose the owl in the trees and second because I kept getting pictures where a branch was across his eyes from the number of branches and/or the wind.

I'm still playing the same game with myself where I don't crop or edit my photos, even though the middle 3 would be even better if they were cropped.

There were people with some serious camera lenses, far beyond my lovely 60x zoom point and shoot. I'm sure they were getting even more incredible pics, but I am quite happy with my camera.


  1. Robin these are amazing!! Can I paint from them, please?!

    1. Yes! I was tempted to reach out to you, proactively, to see if you would be interested. It will be fun to see what you do!
