Saturday, February 18, 2017

Musing About Contour Drawing

I found a blog post about contour drawing that I really liked for two reasons. First, it speaks to the value in doing contour drawings. My 30-day kitchen drawing challenge was modified contour drawing. It felt like it was helping me improve my skills, but I couldn't completely articulate why and, if you read this blog, you know that I like to articulate almost everything. This post helped me understand why simple drawings are worthy.

The other part of the post that resonated with me was the quote "Unfortunately I lose interest when I see that things are working out, so I set this aside and went off to create a problem I could solve". I love that neat little spark that comes with identifying and solving problems. That happened the other night when I was drawing the cat tree and had my little epiphany.

Here are a couple of sketches from the little 4" x 6" sketchbook that lives in my purse. Over time, I am starting to feel slightly less ridiculous pulling it out and sketching in public. The larger one was when I was waiting for a friend to show up for lunch. I did the contour and started to fill in detail. The smaller one is from yesterday. It hit 60 degrees. It was sunny. I was working from home so I took a short walk at lunch. I love bungalows and would like to be able to both draw and sketch them. The drawing was better before I tried to draw in shingles on the porch roof.

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