Thursday, January 14, 2021

Something Changed

When I drew the corner of the stairwell landing several days ago, something changed.  How things relate to each other started to make more sense and tackling more than one object or subject matter isn't as overwhelming.

Yesterday when it was almost 40 degrees, I did draw the house and apartment building across the street and today, for the official perspective and proportion homework exercise in the book, I tackled a more complete drawing of the stairwell landing.  Since the main point was the stairwell, I didn't bother with what you can see through the glass in the top part of the door.

This took an hour to do.  There was a lot of fussy measure of proportions and angles, but it was all built from the height of the window as the base measurement and figuring out angles with a pencil as a tool.  It took multiple tries to get the side of the stairs going up placed correctly, which means I was not taking the time to truly stop and see them.

The drawing is about 6" x 7".  I am a tad amazed that all of these details fit and got represented in that amount of space. 

I know there are people who are better at processing the whole and shapes within the whole as their more native way of thinking.  I am not one of those people.  Drawing on the Right Side of Your Brain is a good book and her methods work. 

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