Friday, April 6, 2018


I painted at Kat's studio tonight. She had a first Friday of the month open studio night. As I have complained before when I paint around people, I usually can't concentrate. This time, I showed up with two paintings that I had drawn out, which I had also barely begun. Tonight at the open studio, I finished both of them. Being around people plus interacting with them plus successfully painting equals breakthrough!

This is the second of the two paintings.

#195 - Goldfinch - 5" x 7" - paper - standard palette
The first one is from a gorgeous picture of Chandler. This is take 3. The first two attempts will not see the light of day. This one is for Art 4 Shelter because I've done a portrait of Chandler for each of the last three Art 4 Shelter events.

#194 - Chandler - 5" x 7" - paper - standard palette
It's fun to compare this to my Chandler painting for the 2017 event. This is one of my favorite paintings. I have it as wallpaper on my phone.

This is my Chandler painting for the 2016 event. I started my first set of painting lessons in March 2016 and I painted this in May 2016. 

This is a really fun way to look back and see how my painting has evolved and changed. 

1 comment:

  1. It was so awesome to have you both there!!! Great work!
