Sunday, May 5, 2019


Repainting from the same source material helps me. At least, I think it does, as along as I don't go down the rabbit hole of painting the same thing again and again and again until I am completely satisfied. That never happens.

I really like this picture of Hammett.

My first attempt was a timed painting, but I ended up abandoning that and took a trip to the land of overworking.

#331 - Hammett - 8” x10” - paper
I thought I could do better, so my very next next painting was a redo. In total, I took 55 minutes over several days. The angle of his face is better in this one, although the eyes don't line up correctly.

#332 - Hammett - 8" x 10" - paper
When I finish a painting, my first glance impression is rarely favorable. After getting away for even 1 minute or two and I take a second look, I think I am mostly glad / relieved that the painting resembles what it is supposed to that I don't go further. Put another way, I don't think I evaluate or critique my work at all.

For example in this case, I knew I could do better than the first attempt, but still I liked the first one. The head shape was off, but it seemed okay to  me. After I completed the second one and looked back at the first one, I see a lot more problems with it.

In both of them, I enjoyed playing with different paint strokes and paint stroke directions to try and convey the tilt and lean of his body.

1 comment:

  1. I really like them both! I honestly can't see the overworking in the first one, I know the feeling though - when I overwork something it's all I can see anymore when I look at it. :)
