Thursday, February 21, 2019

I Would Like A Medal

This morning, I shoveled plow wash in the front, which wasn’t much, and in the alley, which was a lot, for 45 minutes.  In the alley, I have to push the snow with the big shovel half way up a path next to the garage, so I can scoop it up with the small shovel and throw in the middle of my yard on the garden beds.  When the piles get too high, I take a garden rake and push the snow towards the middle of the yard.  Even with all of that, the mound of snow is getting closer to shoulder height than waist height.

As a side note, I do have a kind and helpful partner, but I have been shoveling almost all of the snow this winter and all of the snow this past week.  The kind and helpful partner is having too much hip pain to help at the moment.

This morning about 10 minutes in, I found myself thinking thoughts along these lines. “It’s not too bad.  Since the snow wasn’t wet, it’s not as heavy and awful as it could be and the plow wash isn’t sticking together as much as it usually does. It could be so much worse”.

This can be summed up as thinking like a Minnesotan.  While I am not a native, I believe I have earned my advanced non-native Minnesotan certification and I would like a medal.  I would like it to have a snowflake motif.

Getting back to painting, here's the latest.

#299 - Texas Cat - 5" x 7" - paper


  1. Maybe the medal should have a snowblower motif on the reverse.

    1. I would vote for a shovel, since I keep putting off learning how to use the snowblower.
