Monday, October 30, 2017

Ellipse - The Sequel

My profession is getting nuttier and nuttier and there are days where I struggle with the relevance of the new requirements and changes which continue to occur. This angst comes about mostly when I spend time getting the continuing education hours I need each year. Most days when I am in the world working, I mostly enjoy what I do. Last week when I spent the day at a conference, I had one of those angst-filled days.

What does that have to do with the ellipse? I used them and drew them when I needed a break from the nuttiness of all of the new standards and requirements being discussed at the conference. I could rant about the new lease accounting standards, but will spare you.

There were ellipses everywhere, on the tops of glasses, mugs, and pop cans. They were close to me. They were far. They were straight ahead and at the side. I really, really looked at them and tried to draw them in the margin of the conference materials, when I needed a break. I drew some of the glasses and mugs. I also did a few simple sketches of the conference presenters.

As far as ellipses are concerned, I noticed that I tend to make the back part less deep and flat and the front part more deep and more round. Also on the sides of the ellipse, I tend to make them too round. Actually at the outer edge, a very small part of the edge is a straight line or mostly a straight line. It's when one those times when my eyes and brain fight. My brain is saying it's round, it's round, it's round and my poor eyes are trying to interrupt and let's slow down and really see what is in front of us.

I also realized that for most ellipse which are flatter, you can put a fish tail on the end of them and, viola, you have drawn a simple fish. For me, this was a revelation. When I was talking to the hubby about this, he already knew this. He is full of all kinds of knowledge and delightfully surprises me from time to time. Although it also made me thing, what other apparent things about shapes, seeing, and all of that have I been missing all of these years?

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