Monday, April 10, 2017

Hammett In Repose

After not having time to paint, it always feels good to pick up the brushes again. I'm a little rusty, but I am pleased. I want and need to branch out. Let's face it. I paint a lot of cat faces. It was fun to paint a cat in repose.

Even if I'm never completely happy with a finished work, I still get a thrill when I try something new and the painting reads as object that I was trying to capture. I've written similar thoughts many times on this blog. This feeling might go away at some point, but I hope that it doesn't. Especially in these current times, I am glad to have a way to plug into feelings of delight.

I was worried that the eyes being closed would not "read". When I looked closely at the picture and added the light highlights around his eyes, they finally stood out. It continues to amaze me that when you paint an orange cat, you need to use purple (although it is an orangish purple). The shadowy fur parts read as purple.