Friday, June 1, 2018

When Did Dorian Get So Large?

Last night was the last night of painting class (sniff, sniff). I really enjoyed the group and I am going to miss our weekly meetings. For the last night, we painted large!!! My other classmates painted negative space trees on paper taped to the wall.

Earlier in the week, I made a large piece of hardboard (18" x 24"), cradled it, and prepped it with gesso. Kat let me borrow a tabletop easel, so I set up my very, very large painting surface. The #10 bright brush I was using was small compared to the painting surface. While it eats up a lot of paint and takes a bit of work to get enough paint in your brush, it's fun to make crazy, big paint strokes. I worked on this for a little over one hour in Kat's studio and was exhausted, mostly from drawing out what I was going to paint.

I set up the easel and painting in my basement late this afternoon and worked a bit more today. 


  1. this looks so GREAT!!!!! Please post more!!!

    1. Thanks! I will. I hope to finish it tonight!
