Monday, June 25, 2018

Barn And Other Structures

In 2012, I went to a hoe down organized by friends who have an organic farm in Hutchinson MN.  This literally was a party to celebrate the end of the growing season (i.e. put the hoe down).  It was a potluck and included a barn dance. Most of the participants were from CSA-type farms in the area. I took several pictures of the farm buildings and now I wish I would have taken many, many more!

#237 - Barn & Other Structures
I started this one yesterday and completed it today. When I was working on the buildings, I kept thinking that this was going to be a terrible, terrible painting. After a short break and looking at it from a few steps back, I surprised myself that the buildings read pretty well. Certainly not perfect, but not terrible!  Things look vastly different over the end of a paint brush versus a few steps back.

How is life otherwise? Pretty good. Today is my anniversary and it started out with the arrival of a new flamingo. That's the good part of pretty good.

We still have no idea which friend(s) started the tradition or who is keeping up the annual tradition. All I know is that a new flamingo shows up every year on our anniversary. This year, the new one showed up some time between 10 pm and 7 am.

The not-as-good part is that I managed to cut my left thumb while making lunch this morning. It's not bad enough for stitches, but it was more than a surface cut. It still hurts. Later in the morning, I took a  break from working from home to go water the garden plot. While I was there I harvested some lettuce and managed to cut my right thumb. I'm really not sure how I managed to do in both thumbs on the same day, all I know is that having both of them bandaged is is annoying! I'm not superstitious so I don't think this has anything to do with it being my 13th wedding anniversary. However I've decided no more knives for me today.


  1. The buildings read very well! You really captured the feel of the season, too. I love the hint of fall.

    1. Thank you! I'm glad you are posting again!

  2. Wow! Love your countryside. You'll have to tell me who your friends are later. The sky is beautiful.

  3. Hope your thumbs are okay
