Friday, September 1, 2017

There Are Some Issues

There are some issues with this one, including multiple issues with the eyes.

The biggest positive is that I finished it. I started if a week or two ago, didn't like it, and put it aside, which I've done with several recent paintings. It's not a good habit to get into. At last night's meeting of my painting group, I decided that I would loop back and finish these pieces.

Last night's meeting was very helpful. I asked a few questions, picked up some pointers, and got useful feedback. We meet again in a month and the overall theme is to really focus on values. For some reason, I tend to wimp out and my lights aren't every light enough. This month, I'm going to really try and go for it and maybe even go for extreme, stark differences between the darkest darks and the lightest lights.

I'm really excited to see what the coming month will happen in my painting practice.

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