Friday, December 9, 2016

What I've Been Doing

Life got busy! However, I also enrolled in an online class, "How To Draw Without Talent" from Sketchbook Skool. Mostly, I've been doing one exercise per day from this class. This takes about 15 minutes per day. It's been a good experience. So far the emphasis has been that you need to capture the shapes, not try to draw the object. It's a good reminder. My brain always wants to switch back to the object.

This was a silly, but fun, exercise where the point was to draw the abstract shapes.

A later exercise was a draw a picture upside down. This was a much more detailed drawing than I typically try. My proportions are off, but the end result is better than I thought it would be!

The best part is that I am picking up a pen or pencil when I have a tiny bit of time available and I try to capture some type of shape. When I was in a drive through, I started to draw the back of the vehicle in front of me. Last night all of the cats were on the bench in the kitchen and I worked on drawing ears and rough outlines of faces.

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