Saturday, March 19, 2022

Huzzah, It’s the Weekend

I felt beyond tired all week, so much so that it was one of those times that I switched to Frnch in my head to describe it to myself.  I used to say “I am fatigued” to myself in French, coming from a less-than-basic knowledge of French.  When I mentioned this to a friend, who understands these types of quirks and who also is fluent, she taught me the word “epuise” (without the appropriate accent marks over the two “e’s” since I don’t know how to do that).  It’s a much better word.  It’s pronounced:

  • “A” (say the letter “a”)
  • “Pwe” (say the word “we”with a slight “p” sound like from the word “pop” at the beginning”.
  • “Say” (just say the word “say”)
I gave myself a break and skipped painting on several days, but I also pushed myself on several days to paint, anyway.  On those days, I went back to doing negative space trees.  

On Thursday, I started something that I want to put into Art 4 Shelter and I finished it last night.

That also gives me an excuse to post the other painting I’ve done for Art 4 Shelter. 

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