Monday, March 2, 2020

Let's Post More In March Than In February

Wow! I only posted once last month. Here's to posting more in March and drawing and painting more, as well. 

Since I don't have any of my own work to share, let me share Kat's painting of my niece's cat, Drogo. I sent Kat several pictures of my niece's cats from when I was in Texas, last month. 

My niece is a veterinarian and just opened a vet clinic. In early February, an abandon kitten showed up and became the clinic cat. Lizzo was 10 weeks old when I snapped this picture. She had to go into the cage when a challenging patient was scheduled to visit the clinic.

This picture makes me smile whenever I look at it.


  1. LIfe gets busy - doesn't it. Loved Kat's painting of Drogo. I can see how you have been learning from her.
    Spring will hopefully be here soon!
