Friday, August 23, 2019

State Fair Entries

It was a good year.

It's easier to take a picture of a first place entry versus a second place entry, plus the lighting in the display case for blue ribbon items is better than the other display case.

My scarf was from a pattern called Fox Paws.  Since the designer came and taught the techniques at Yarnover this year, I thought there would be a lot of versions of this pattern.  I only saw two, mine in heavyweight yarn and another one in fingering weight yarn. My other entry used the same techniques, stacked increases and stacked decreases.


  1. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    They are lovely!

    1. Thanks! I was very happy with how both of them turned out.

  2. Beautiful Robin. Congratulations. Well done.

    1. Thank you! Your yarn is still my absolute favorite to use. It is a joy to work with and the colors are amazing.
