Wednesday, March 20, 2019

When I Am 62

Daniel’s surgery was 7 days ago. While there is still a lot of recovery needed, I think we both turned a good corner today. One of the ways I can tell that I am starting to work down a sleep deficit rather than building it up. Another is that there is the tiniest bit of room for ideas and thoughts which have nothing to do with hip replacement surgery.

We still get a newspaper delivered to our home and I like to read each day’s newspaper. If I get behind, I don’t read it as thoroughly, but I still look at it. Today, I started looking at Sunday’s paper. In either Friday’s or Saturday’s paper, there was a sidebar which mentioned this program. Apparently in Minnesota, you can take college courses for $10 per credit at state-supported institutions of higher education starting when you are 62. I have a ways to go, but it’s pretty cool to think that I can take some art classes at a junior college or a university in my future!

I am getting behind in Kat’s online class, but that is not a problem since it’s online and work at your own pace. I wanted to try and keep painting, but knew that I wouldn’t be able to every day and wouldn’t much time on the days I did paint. Is that an understatement. On my most exhausted days, I haven’t painted at all. On the other days, I have done one 10-minute lime painting. For this set, I did the first one (upper left) on 3/11 and the last one on 3/18. For the two bottom ones, I was just plain stubborn and painted, even though I was pretty beat. I skipped yesterday and probably will today. Tomorrow, I hope to be in a place where I can do at least one 10-minute painting per day or most days.

#313 - Limes - 8" x 8" - paper

The first one was painted with my old lighting scheme. I really like the bounced, lower light and feel like it’s helping me not mute my paint colors so much for the other 3 paintings.

One other thing I should mention about all of this surgery recovery stuff is that it really helps to have good family and friends. Both Daniel and I are really blessed. 

1 comment:

  1. I hope Daniel is healing. Let him know it takes a long time and to be patient. Thinking about you both.
    Kristin and Mark
