Thursday, February 6, 2025

Orange Baseballs

I am painting again.  Last week, I saw that Kat Corrigan was starting up a session of painting classes and I signed up.  The first class was Saturday and it seems like a nice group, as always. 

I started painting a bit on my own prior to that and I am so, so, so out of practice.  It’s sad to be so out of practice and struggling with my paint brush, shapes, values, mixing colors and all of it.  At the same time, I feel comfortable with practice that it will come back.  However where I am at right now is that I have painted a series of orange baseballs.  

Here is the latest one.  It’s not where I want, but I can also see improvement.  

I am shooting for painting everyday, but not sweating it if I miss some days here and there.  Kat suggested that we try to shoot for 4 pieces to bring each week and that seems like a good pace. 

Since I have been sick and haven’t been going to the gym in the morning, I’ve been going down to paint in the morning.  This morning, I had a wonderful experience.  I got to the flow state.  In the past, I’ve written out this as that glorious place where I get to the other side of my brain and I really do think that’s what happens. 

This morning, I was working along and I just got into a groove.  I felt like I could see better, that I could mix better (although I switched to using a pear) and all of it.  It’s like a veil lifts and I am fully present. 

It’s the best feeling ever.  It clears my brain and leaves me feeling refreshed.  I don’t try to force this, but sometimes I wonder if I paint more for this experience rather than the end result.  

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