Wednesday, August 30, 2017


I was warned, but I was not expecting this - - The Minnesota State Fair in sketches. See sketch #2.

Sketching At The Minnesota Zoo

There is so much good stuff going on in my life this week. Yesterday, I spent the afternoon at the zoo with a friend. It was one of those times where I planned ahead and decided that work could wait. I was taking an afternoon off. The underlying reason for the zoo visit was to attend the Indigo Girls concert at the zoo's outdoor amphitheater that evening (with no less than front row seats - - - I have amazing friends).

We arrive at the zoo around 1:30 and meandered throughout the exhibits. I wish that I would have brought my camera. Instead, I used my phone until I ran out of batteries. I also sketched. Here is what I wanted to sketch:

I got busy taking pictures. By the time, I put the camera down and warmed up, the Amur leopard moved, making it hard to see anything but his hindquarters. You guessed it. Sketch what you can see.

Whether I am warmed up or not, I can be sketching, sketching, sketching and it's just not really working. Then, boom. All of a sudden, I can see the shapes and do a reasonable job of recording what I see.

The same thing happened with the prairie dogs. Here are several attempts. The one below the words "prairie dog" had the potential to go somewhere good until the subject also decided to go somewhere good, which was away from and out of the sketch.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Random Thought

My life is good.

Learning how to draw and paint is introducing me to more good things and people out there in the world.

Monday, August 28, 2017

State Fair - Sketching Experience #4

I met up with folks who attended the second Minnesota State Fair Sketch Together gatherings. Again, I showed up and met people at 9:30, but did not go back for the post-sketch meeting at 4:30. There were several of the same people from Saturday. Again, everyone was very friendly and happy to be at the fair.

Today, I only sketched for about 45 minutes. What I learned from today's experience is that going to the fair four times in the first five days is tiring! Still, sketching at the fair in a mentally tired state beats a day at work or almost anything else.

Another challenge was that the animals that I encountered were restless. Most of the animal barns had recently turned over or were in the process of turning over. One was actually closed. There were very few of my favorite animals to sketch namely animals who are asleep or who are very, very tired.

This was my favorite sketch of the day. This cow was sleeping, but woke up and moved after I barely started. That's okay. It ended up being an experience about sketching parts of animals rather than sketching large sections of or a complete animal.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

State Fair - Sketching Experience #3

Today was my third visit to the State Fair. It was a day to take in the sites and sounds of the fair. One of the highlights from today were going to one of the Minnesota Cooks presentations that featured friends of mine from York Farm. Another highlight was going to the 1 pm presentation in the Fine Arts building where I got to hear a watercolor artist, John Salminen, give a presentation and a demo.

As far as sketching goes, I learned a valuable lesson. Either sketch earlier in the day or make sure you know which days the animal barns turn over. That along with making a rookie error of forgetting that there is another animal barn way in the back made life a bit challenging. While I didn't really want to sketch cows that was my only option besides horses and I decided that cows would be easier.

I only had about 40 minutes, but that was okay. In truth, I think I was a little hung-over from sketching yesterday.

Here is the sketch that I liked the best.

None of the cows that I tried to sketch stayed very still. While I wanted to work on faces, it was challenging. My last sketch was a quick one of a cow's body, since this cow was eating.

The other interesting experience was going to the Education building and seeing the art created by kids from 1st grade to 12th grade who are in 4-H. I enjoyed looking at the drawings and paintings by these kids and young adults. Some of the work was amazing, but I was impressed by all of the kids putting their work out there. For a brief moment, I was a bit envious. I don't know why the drawing and painting bug didn't bit me earlier in my life. While I was feeling this way, I heard a man with his wife and young child bemoan that he just couldn't do any of this. He just could not draw. Give him a piece of wood and a saw and he could do something with it, but he just could not draw.

So many people feel this way and it's simply not true. I wanted to tell the guy that, but I didn't.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

State Fair - Sketching Experience #2

Today, I went to the State Fair to sketch, sketch, sketch with me, myself and I. Given that it was rainy and early when I arrived, the grounds were mostly empty. At 9:30, I met up with a group of sketchers, since it was the first of the two Minnesota State Fair Sketch Together gatherings, organized by one of the Urban Sketchers in the Twin Cities. People were friendly and the organizer had buttons for everyone! When the group broke up to go and sketch, I headed to the swine barn.

This is my favorite sketch and it was a good way to approach sketching at the fair. Draw, use plumb lines, and show the refinements that represent the truer dimensions. I did not have enough room on my paper to correct the snout. It should have been a bit longer.  While I was working on this sketch, it was just me and the pig. All the rest of the hustle and bustle and noise of the barn faded away. I was "drawn" to this pig because of the way his ear was flopped over.

I would like to figure out  how to sketch items smaller, but things really get wonky when I try that.

What surprised me was that I was mentally exhausted after actively sketching a little more than 2 hours.This estimated time did not include the time I took breaks. While I wasn't planning on staying until the 4:30 post-sketching meet-up, I was planning on sketching for 1/2 day or so. I briefly switched to sheep to see if that would help. It didn't. My brain was done and so was I. I went home earlier than expected and took a lovely nap.

Friday, August 25, 2017

State Fair - Sketching Experience #1

Yesterday was the opening of the Minnesota State Fair. The weather was perfect. While I plan to sketch each time I'm at the fair, I only have one time scheduled where the sole purpose is to sketch. The other times, I'll just take break away from whoever I'm with to sketch for a bit. Yesterday was one of those types of days, so I only sketched while one of my friends checked out all of the birds in the Chicken Barn.

It was thrilling to be at the fair and to be sketching! There are so many birds and animals. You can get close to them and many of them stay relatively still.

Here is my favorite sketch from the Chicken Barn. This is a  sketch of a Valencian Figurita pigeon. This bird had puffed its chest way up and out and some of its feathers were ruffled.

Each time I go to the fair, I plan to post a picture of my favorite sketch. I'm keeping things simple. Just a sketch book and a few pens and pencils. I'm not going to try watercolor, major shading, or hatching. It's mostly going to be about catching shapes.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Tonight's Drawing Set Up

For today's daily drawing practice, I decided to pull a couple of peppers from the refrigerator and to practice drawing the different shapes at my kitchen table. It did not go exactly as planned.  

By the way, the cat is allowed on the back of the chairs. When he and his brother were kittens, I thought it was cute. Big mistake! It puts him way to close to the table, causing things like this to happen. 

Sunday, August 20, 2017

A Ducky Duck

On Friday, I stopped at Como Zoo on my way home from an appointment. I had my "good" paper pad with me, since it's going to be used for any and all drawing for the next week as a way to chip away at the idea that certain paper is precious and can only be used in special circumstances. I confess that I did feel mild discomfort using the "good" paper, but it was minor compared to my experience earlier this week. At some point while warming up, this concern faded away.

I continue to be fascinated by the flamingos, but only spend a few minutes with them each time. They move too much. When it gets frustrating, I usually try a few ducks before wandering off to other birds and animals. I lucked out on Friday and found the perfect duck. Since he was resting, he was mostly still. The light and his position let me see how his neck attached to his body and head. It was one of those "aha" moments. Prior to this when I sketched ducks, they didn't have necks.

Another bonus is that it makes flamingo necks make more sense, even though their necks are so much longer. Flamingo necks seem like they are made out of elastic, since they can stretch them so high or hold them close to their bodies, and the thickness of the neck varies upon the amount of stretch. Even so, they attach in a similar way, so this duck sketch gives me a better understanding of the equivalent part of a flamingo, making it a two for one revelation.

I also like that I was able to draw an eye that looks appropriately grounded in an eye socket.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Yes, That Does Work Better

Yes, it does work better to use appropriate paper and, yes, the best paper for watercolor is more expensive than the stuff I usually use.  Surprise!

Two nights ago, I played around with a purple pepper that someone gave me from their garden. The experience was enhanced by using paper suited for the task. It was fun, trying to push the color around where I wanted it.

All of this led to a good conversation with my partner. Beginners need the good stuff, probably more than the experts. An experienced cook can julienne up a bunch of vegetables with any old knife much better than a beginner. Why can it be so hard to honor the spirit of learning and use an appropriate tool that will help you learn?

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Delayed Happiness

After a long, long hiatus, I made it to the Como Zoo yesterday to sketch. I visited the flamingos and ducks, puffins, and big cats. My goal was to do some rough sketches and play with watercolor using good paper for a change (a soft cover Strathmore Mixed Media 500 pad to be exact). When I've played with watercolor here and there at home, it hasn't gone well. This is mostly because I am learning and have no idea what I am doing, but it doesn't help that I've been using cheap paper.  Yesterday was the day that I was finally going to use the "good" stuff.

Normally, I am in my happy place when I am at the zoo, but that was not the case. I felt anxious and I think it was because I was using "good" paper. It felt wrong to use it for warm up sketches. Plus, I never got around to playing with watercolor. I kept thinking that I should have bought some of the crappy paper to use, because it felt like I was wasting my "good' paper. All of this caused a massive uprising of the internal critic who resides in my head.

Today's conclusion is that good paper is no good if it does not get used. While I have a lot of practice paper, I think it's time to spend a week or two using the good stuff to get over the idea that any paper is precious.

Looking back at yesterday's sketches, they are decent practice sketches of items in life. The fact that birds and animals move, so that I could not finish any sketches, did not frustrate me as much as usual. Also, I like that I have practice drawings overlapping each other. For a very long time, it just felt wrong to overlap things. Now, I'm trying to be deliberate. Sometimes I overlap. Sometimes I don't. Most of the time, as Roz would say, I'm not out to make a pretty page. I'm trying to learn!

I am going to try and not step on my own happiness in the moment by getting obsessed about things that don't matter. (Smile). This is a good philosophy to apply all realms, not just drawing and painting.

On a separate, here is an outline of Dorian that I did several nights ago. To me, this one captures her face and body position quite well, except for the lines that denote her hip.

Sunday, August 13, 2017


This was a well-documented tomato. First, it was sketched. Next, it was painted.

I am referring to it in the past tense, because, tonight, it was part of my dinner.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

You Say Tomato (Sketch)

I say sketch of an heirloom tomato, specifically Kellogg's Breakfast. This is a large beefsteak variety of tomato and I was surprised to find a beautiful, ripe one in my community garden. Last night, I did two warm up sketches of this tomato from different angles and finished up with this one.

Friday, August 11, 2017

Edgy Homework

While I've been enjoying sketching lately and have really been enjoying sketching loosely with a soft pencil, painting has not been going so well. I have at least one more painting that will not see the light of this blog. Focus has been a problem. Yesterday, I slowed down and concentrated on my paint strokes. I also went back to painting on a black background.

The goal was to work on a homework assignment. The assignment is to paint the same simple scene starting with tight, crisp edges and to repeat the same scene 3 more times getting looser each time. Today, I finished the first version. This is a 4 inch by 4 inch painting. The purples are much better in person.

The handle is off, but I am pleased that the roundness of the mug comes through. 

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Month Four

Yesterday, I worked at the Minnesota State Fair Foundation, so here is month 4 of a 12 month series. Each month, I've been waiting until I'm leaving work for the day and I spend about 15 minutes or so doing a quick sketch.

This was a loose sketch and it was enjoyable to do.

Facial features are still a challenge. Today, I picked up the book, Five Minute Sketching People, from the library and read a little bit of it at lunchtime. It had good tips regarding general guidelines of how certain facial features compare to other facial features. For example if you look at a person straight on, most people are about 5 eyes wide in the plane that includes the persons's eyes. When I sketch, I try to sketch what I see, but I think some general "rules" like this might help, since experience has shown that I actually don't always see so well with my eyes.

Another general guideline is that eyes typically are at the half-way point in the height of a person's face. That's not how my drawing turned out. I'll double check this the next time I see the actual historic bust.

I'm sure these guidelines are out there in the world everywhere, but there's so much to learn and to know that it's the first time I've come across some of them. Again, my goal is to try and sketch what I see, but it's good to have some back-up knowledge to cross-check things.

Finally, I love that I can check out so many sketching books at the library. It helps me make better choices  about which ones I would like to own.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Loose Turtles

These are not turtles that have been released. Nor are they lewd. Instead, I let go and drew more loosely than usual. It felt good to switch things up a bit.

By the way, all of these are drawings of my replica toy turtle.

Sunday, August 6, 2017

I've Been Painting

I've been painting. During the week, I found some snippets of time here and there. This weekend, I found some bigger chunks of time. It felt good to pick up the brushes, but I confess that my painting mojo is a little off. Usually, I share it all, but there's one that is not going to see the light of this blog!

I worked on some homework paintings, which included experimenting with a different color of background. Boy does it change things and it looks super freaky, as you go along.

I decided that I couldn't deal with the pupils being blue, so I used black gesso. It was a bit of a challenge to paint with a different background color. My outline did not show up nearly as well. Still, it was fun to see how it influenced the paint colors.

I did a few minor things to try to "rescue" this one. These did not work out as well as I hoped. Still, it was a blast to see how the colors behaved differently. It might be fun to try painting this one again, but in brighter, crazy, modern colors.

I worked on version 2 of the service door of the cabin garage. This is one that I worked on throughout the week.

I like the rock foundation better in this one and I also like the addition of the foliage on the left-hand side.

Lastly, I tried a painting of one of my gray cats laying on a pillow.

I'm not sure about the background. Okay, I am sure about the background. I am quite sure that I don't like it. Also, I struggled with capturing the values, so I think the cat looks a bit flat. This is not a complete surprise, since I thought it would be a hard picture to paint when I selected it. It's silly, but I do like the paw that sticks out in the lower left-hand corner.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Take Two

I'm not sure that I posted take 1. This is take 2 from a picture that I love. This is Ella when she was a wee little cat sitting in the piano window at my former home. This is a 5" x 7". I want to try this one more time and will do it as an 8" x 10" the next time.

While the window is crooked, the cat is better than the first attempt.

Also, I got an early start this morning and went down to paint for 20 minutes. That's how I'm going to have to fit in painting for awhile. I'm not sure how much I can accomplish in 10 - 20 minutes every other day or so, but I will give it a try.